Saturday, February 15, 2025

Top 5 This Week


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This Is What Happens When People Are Bored At Work!

Work place is almost a second home, you like it or not but that’s certainly true. We all go through different emotions at work, like being excited, passionate, fearful, & Bored.

A Recent study was not conducted as people were bored and never worked towards it. Else we would have told you how many people in the world get bored at work. But we can definitely give you a vague idea of to what extent people get bored at work. The creative legend inside us is unleashed whenever we are bored at work. Or at least these people who went on to a whole new level of being bored. Check out the pictures and get WOAH!



So what do you do when bored at work?

h/t Bored Panda

Devashish Vaid
Devashish Vaid
Humour, creativity, writing, travel, music and non-stop chattering describe me the best!!! Find me on: Facebook |  Twitter


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