Saturday, February 15, 2025

Top 5 This Week


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And these Jugaad simply deserve your applause!

Hacks aka Jugaad in India, but hey, it is not just the copyright of Indians to be good at Jugaad. There are many people out there in the rest of the world who are so good at it, that you would really want to applause for their brilliance.

Life hacks is basically bringing maximum output out of minimum resources that too in a creative manner. So here we have collected these pictures in the honour of these artists who have done some dope Jugaads!

Here are the best few:

Turning a stain into an Island!

Cooling beer bottles level: God!

Enhancing the volume of your laptop like a pro!

For once you will use that math problem in real life

Toothpicks are now a fork!

Super Dad Be Like!

Grandpa is a legend!

Can’t afford to loose one, either both or none!

Never let your furniture feel out of place!

Paint roller evolves to become a paper roll!

Rawest form of recycle is..

This kid who couldn’t find a table!

Those shoes are it is legit!

For once recipe books are used in our kitchen!

Hiding your beer like!

h/t Bright Side

Team Khurki
Team Khurki
KHURKI is a character who's sarcastic by birth and has sarcasm running in its veins in place of blood. Its bitter-sour tongue gives it the edge!


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