Saturday, February 15, 2025

Top 5 This Week


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10 Simple, Uncomplicated Ways To Make Your Man Love You More!

Boys are really complicated when it comes to relationships, as they are not very expressive about their feelings. Sometimes, your slightest move can light up their world and sometimes, out of the blue, they might not like something that you do. But when they do there is something exceptional about it. Here are some things that you should pay notice to if you want to make your man love you more:

When you play his favourite game and watch his favourite movie

When you take interest in the movies and games he likes, believe me he would definitely love you more and enjoy talking to you.

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When you give space

If you are in true love with your partner, trust him and give space. Time apart is incredibly healthy. If you are too pushy and he feels threatened about his privacy, he will back away.

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When you buy his favourite thing

Everyone loves to be treated in a special way. You can give him an unexpected gift that he loves the most, it will always remind him of you.

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When you take a stand for him with your parents

Your man takes pride in you when you put your faith in him and fight for him or when you take a stand to support what’s right and ethical. He likes it when you give logical and valid reasons to win an argument even with your own parents.

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When you act natural with him

If you know how to act with your partner at different places, he would respect and love you more. When you are in public, you act as a decent person but when you are with him you act like his naughty girl who is nice and sweet but loves teasing him.

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When you care for his family

For guys, the most important thing is their family. Your man would be thankful if you treat his parents with same love and care you give to your own parents.

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When you love him inspite of everything

The best thing you can do is love him for exactly what he is. Good mood, bad mood, ugly, pretty, handsome – this will fade but not goodness. Just love him inspite of everything.

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When you cook his favourite food

This simple thing will give more pleasure to him. Don’t worry if you didn’t inherit cooking traits, prepare any simple meal with love that will surely wow your man.

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When you are a part of his activities

Travelling together, working on a puzzle, improving home, going for canoeing, reading to each other and many more such activities is fun when done together.

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And when you encourage him

Your man needs a little encouragement and reassurance about the major life decisions he has to make or some petty issues at work. Just tell him that he has the potential to achieve his goal and you believe in him and trust his decisions.

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Amneet Kaur
Amneet Kaur
Pure Punjabi blood, with a sarcastic Indian within me, brings the 'Khurki’ in me alive...No pun intended!


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