Saturday, February 15, 2025

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Things A Teenaged Daughter Wants From Her Dad, A Perfect Guide!

No one can understand you, the emotion you are going through as the father of a teenaged daughter. There is immense pride, fear, responsibility, a cocktail of feelings. Father of a teenaged daughter is somebody who definitely has to nurture the relationship.

So what exactly does a father need from his daughter? Should she be worried about taking your permission for a school trip? Or she should not fear you at all? Or should she be courageous enough to lie and just take off on the trip?

This is just one hypothetical situation, there could be many more. And you would never really know what is the right thing to do. As a result, many fathers become over possessive control freaks. And that’s the first seed of difference between a father and a daughter. So we have listed few crucially important things that a father of a teenaged girl needs to talk to his daughter.


A daughter’s first love is always her father, she would definitely look for a guy like you. But you don’t have to be skeptical of her choice every time. Not every guy is bad and not every guy is like a perfect person. You have to give her the confidence to share her love life with you. You need to be a solution to her problems, if any, and not another problem yourself. Always remember!


Exactly, you need to tell her about the spirit world, the world of hardcore liquor. Not only about her limits, but also the right choices she should make. And the most important, tell her never to trust a person with your drink. NEVER.


We often call our daughters angels. No matter how cliche that sounds but that’s the reality. And one simply does not trim the wings of an angel. Independence will empower her to take her decisions in life. That’s how she will get exposed to the reality of the world! Just let her know that you will be there in case she makes a ‘not-correct’ decision.

Self Defense

Times are bad, really bad and they are just not safe for anyone. Young teenagers are more prone to dangers as they are considered weak and almost defenseless. It’s only when you get something self defense weapons where they finally feel safe. It is not only for her safety but will increase her confidence in general as well.

Of course, there are many types of self-defense weapons that she can choose from. From tactical knives, pepper spray, and even handguns (look at the concealment laws here for more information –, you need to make sure that she uses the one that she feels the most comfortable with. As well as this, she will need to have the required training in her weapon if necessary.

Importance of family

Family holds a crucial importance in life. Considering your internet world of Likes & comments and real friends on virtual platforms is the worst idea ever. Giving time & love to your own people is a matter of character that is built and natural at the same time. Thus, giving it to family is an important lesson one needs to learn.

Accepting herself they way she is!

And the most important lesson one needs to learn is the lesson of self. Having love & respect for yourself is a very important aspect of ones personality. Here the role of the father is judged the most, as here it is the condition of a child that matters the most.

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Devashish Vaid
Devashish Vaid
Humour, creativity, writing, travel, music and non-stop chattering describe me the best!!! Find me on: Facebook |  Twitter


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