Wednesday, February 19, 2025

For the Curious Ones: History of Alphabetic Writing Systems

Blogs and You presents an in-depth exploration of the development and evolution of alphabets across millennia, shaped by diverse...

Most watched movies in the world picked for you!

Blogs and You brings you the perfect weekend binge! Explore our showcase of the most-watched movies in the world....

Not only for historians, overview of chronological order of major civilizations!

Blogs and You dives into the fascinating concept of 'civilization,' which defines complex societies marked by urban development, social...

Blogs 'N' You

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‘C’ Connection Connecting Congress

Congress MLA Rumi Nath has been arrested for her links in a car theft racket. Is it me only or others too who feel that Congress has a deep...

अब ये क्या है? इत्तेफ़ाक़ है या फिर कुछ और?

आपका सर न चकरा जाए तो खुरकी हमारा नाम नहीं...

बच्चों को गोद लेने वालों से खुर्की की दस गुज़ारिशें

इस जानकारी को अधिक लोगों के साथ बांटिए...

कुछ मज़ेदार रिवाज़ जो आज भी भारतीय शादियों का महत्वपूर्ण हिस्सा हैं

अलग-अलग संस्कृति के विभिन्न रिवाज़ जानिए...

इस भाई ने जो किया देख के हो जाएंगी आखें नम

दिल दुखाने वाली बात है ना ?

OMG! ब्रिटेन के छह राजा होमोसेक्सुअल थे!!!!

चौंकने के लिए फिर तैयार हो जाईए...

Don't Miss


Watch this school boy’s views on schooling brutal, honest, witty, and much needed!

When you turn every single child to be prepared to cram, learn and excel almost everything you teach them,...



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