Saturday, February 22, 2025

Top 5 This Week


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Your Relationship Will Be Smooth If You Overcome These Insecurities!

Actually I know this feeling of being worried, lonely or jealous. That’s exactly where anxiety begins. The main reason for this can be bad communication, which in turn leads to attempted mind reading. This process of wondering what your partner is thinking or trying to guess what’s in his mind leads to anxiety and insecurities. But trust me, this hasn’t helped anyone till this date. As i have been through this, lemme try to help you get out of this.

Firstly, stop looking for a perfect relationship

If you do this, you will spend your entire life hopelessly seeking the right lover. Don’t do this because the whole process will drive you mad. You will end up feeling more insecure after every failed relationship that doesn’t live up to your fantasy of perfection.

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Stop thinking it’s all about you

If your partner doesn’t feel like going out or talking to you, don’t assume it’s because of you. In reality, he could have had a really bad day at work that depleted him of all the energy. Stop analysing every word used by your partner.

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Don’t try to read minds

Mind reading occurs when two people assume that they know what the other is thinking, whereas they don’t. So stop wondering and let it be.

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Stop feeling paranoid over nothing

Let’s face it: we all talk to people of the opposite sex. Just because a boy and girl are friends doesn’t mean there is more to the story. Avoid the temptation to snoop into your partner’s phone, Facebook or email account.

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Stop inventing problems that don’t exist

Inventing problems in our mind and then believing them is a sure shot path to self damage.

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Stop being dependent on anyone but yourself

Having someone to hug, kiss, cuddle, make love to and share your life with is nothing short of wonderful. But before you march off into the sunset in search of love, you need to learn to love yourself.

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Stop focusing on the negatives

There’s no such thing as a perfect relationship. Even if it seems perfect now, it won’t always be. Accept it and stop focusing on the negatives.

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Lastly, stop judging the current relationship based on the past

Don’t pass such judgements on your partner that reminds them of someone from their past who treated them poorly.

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Amneet Kaur
Amneet Kaur
Pure Punjabi blood, with a sarcastic Indian within me, brings the 'Khurki’ in me alive...No pun intended!


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