So we understand that you have a pet dog and you love him like your family. But why are you being so over obsessive about your dog? At the end of the day, is the dog running your life? Are you willingly putting things on the back burner because of him? Time for a reality check!
You cancel plans with your friends because of him
When was the last time you went to a club, an aft gallery or a bachelor party? Stop making excuses and get a life.

You show his pictures to one and all
When somebody shows the video of their infant, at that very moment you insist on showing the video of your pet. Every time you get him a new coat or hat, the whole office needs to know. Weird!

Out of town, you lose your appetite worrying
You insist that the sitter makes your coochie-poochie speak with you. And if he does not recognize your voice, you pack your bags and get ready to go back home. And the phone call is accompanied with bucket full of tears. You probably need a shrink.

You like to take his opinion on all important matters
Do we really need to clarify this one. Please get a grip!

Your pet has a monthly spa appointment
If you have so much money to squander, pick a charity for God’s sake. He’s a dog, does he know the difference.

People have been kicked out of your bed because of him
The boyfriend needs to understand that the dog sleeps at your feet or he can leave.