Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Top 5 This Week


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O’ Mamma, I Just Love To Sleep! Isn’t This Your Statement Too?

Love to sleep? You must be proud of you being sleepy. There’s nothing wrong, you should be proud of yourself as I am. Oh yes my friend, we all are sailing in the same boat.

if we talk about kids, they just live to sleep and when they grow a little and become naughty, their mothers force them to go to bed. After that comes the turn of young blood which is always ready to sleep….Oh don’t take it otherwise, they are like always tired and their bed seems to be their best friend. Why worry about the mom shouting at the top of her voice when you are in your bed?

And if we talk about oldies who are still young at heart… don’t mind. They also feel relaxed after having a sound sleep. So all in all, sleeping is the thing that everybody enjoys and feels relaxed about it.

Am I sounding like proving my love for sleeping or justifying my habit of sleeping anytime anywhere? Hmmm…It could be the habit of susti given to you by your friends and family is really a proud moment – at least you got some status in life. So all the sleepy eyes out there, do enjoy your sleep but before you go to bed have a look at these amazing pictures which will definitely define some of you.


Also Read: Your Sleeping Habits Reveal Your Relationship Secrets!


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Amrita Garg
Amrita Garg
I love solving puzzles, coz i'm a mystery myself. I'm an exploring addict cause getting in touch with nature gives me answers, sometimes...okay most of the times!


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