Saturday, February 15, 2025

Top 5 This Week


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Comics show how life changes after you have a dog in the family!

Having a dog in the family is a life-time commitment and it changes you a lot. You not only change as a person but also your lifestyle takes on a massive change.

Your time table, your vacations, your choice of cushions every thing changes as per the habits of your dog. These adorable creatures have so much impact on your life that they end up becoming the most genuine being existing in your life.

Also Read: Having dog as partner for your child is never a bad idea!

But can you literally explain those changes in lifestyle in words? Well as a person living with a dog I can’t. As it is often said that a picture speaks thousand words, we believe a comic can make up to a 500 at least!

So here it is a comic series by maimaijohn explains how life changes after you have a dog!

dog in the familydog in the familydog in the family


Dog Lover Forever! One who who has the luck to have a dog in the family!

Team Khurki
Team Khurki
KHURKI is a character who's sarcastic by birth and has sarcasm running in its veins in place of blood. Its bitter-sour tongue gives it the edge!


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