Yes I agree that boys cry very rarely as compared to girls, but there are some boys who don’t have any qualms in showing what they feel through tears. And as far as crying is concerned, it’s just a way of expressing your feelings. Being human, boys also have emotions and have the right to express it. So, there is no need to over rate it.
He loves you more than anything
His tears prove that he loves you from the core of his heart…and beyond this I don’t see any other way to express selfless love.

Words are unable to express his feelings
His tears tell you the whole story if you are unable to understand the verbal language. His tears are the language of his heart.

He can’t ditch you
If he cries for you, you can be reassured that the worst will never happen for you. But yeah exceptions are always there, may be you are not made for each other.

He really cares for you
His care is there hidden somewhere in his tears that sometimes you can’t see in any other way except his tears.

He is actually very emotional
He might be otherwise very emotional and soft hearted that tears come out of his eyes, whenever anyone close to him hurts him.

He is still a child at heart
It can also happen because of the soft corner that he has in his heart. When he’s happy, he expresses it fully and you can expect the same if he is sad.

You complete him
In other words, he is incomplete without you. You are not a part of his life, but his life. For him, his life starts from you, surrounds you and ends with you.

To him, you are just perfect
For him perfection is you…his life and he himself is perfect because you are around.

Also read:Â Some Essential Ingredients Of Recipe For Perfect Relationship!
True Love Exists? Decoding The Modern Era Relationship!