Love is like a rainbow, a breath of fresh air and the yummiest piece of chocolate cake for some.
But those of us who still haven’t experienced it keep wondering what it is. So we have made for you a list of things that you need to know about love.
1. Love comes in all styles, colours, shades and hues
Love can come in all kinds of packages, it can come wrapped as a teddy bear or gift-wrapped in a red box. You can find it in the back alley. Or on the bus stop too. Just be ready for it.
2. You will love in your way, not like anybody else
You will love like you, not like him or her or like your best friend. It is like a sweet pain, which refuses to go away, no matter what. It stems from a deep friendship and is nurtured like a rose bush. If you want a rose bush or an apple tree, it is your choice.
3. Love does conquer it all
Yes, it’s true. Don’t make the mistake of taking it for granted. No matter what the distance, choices, egos, and insecurities – it can overcome it all. If you love from your heart, all the forces of nature will come together to make it work.
4. Love does make you biased
Love is a two-edged sword and you will carry your heart on your sleeve. But if you don’t take the plunge, you will regret it all our life. And don’t listen to people who say that five weeks is too less to commit or living-in is bad. Just follow your heart and don’t listen to anybody.
5. Love survives, no matter what!
Love will be strong one day, soft on others and so tiring on some days. But the energy that runs in your blood will be there forever. The memories that you will create will make life worth living.
Fall in love, once at least!!