Saturday, February 22, 2025

Top 5 This Week


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Usher In The Motherhood With Loads Of Love And Confidence

For all those to-be moms and new moms who fear even taking babies in their lap or feeding them, motherhood is a beautiful feeling.

A feeling to be cherished and remembered for a lifetime.

Here are a lil’ do’s and don’ts for you all:

1. How to handle your baby

Newborns are tender and mothers are naturally adept and trained to handle their babies. So no worries. The only area of attention is the neck of a newborn, so hold it every time you take them in your lap.


2. After feeding, burping is most important

After feeding your baby, having them burp is very important because a newborn child’s digesting system needs help. So you need to lay him/her on your shoulder, rub the back in clockwise motion. Even if the child does not burp, make your baby lay on your shoulder for half an hour at least. Then, put him/her down on bed.

3. When would the child start sleeping whole night

Newborns sleep maximum during the day. It’s only 40 days after birth that they start sleeping the entire night. Till then, you have to compromise with your night sleep. So you’re having trouble sleeping? Try blackout blinds for both your child’s room (when you are ready to leave them to sleep alone) and yours and see if they can improve both yours and your child’s sleep.

4. Feeding schedule

You need to feed them every two hours and maintain that, no matter what. If they have been sleeping for 4 hours, then you need to wake your child up and feed.

5. Never feed your child while you are lying down

Some moms, due to pain and exhaustion, start feeding their baby while lying on bed. It could choke the baby, so always sit, take the baby in your lap and make sure the baby is breathing well while being fed.


6. Check colour of stool and urine

To understand if your baby is enjoying a good health, keep a tab on the colour of their stool. Newborns tend to get constipated often. Do not panic. Don’t give the baby anything except mom’s breast feed. The mom could have more cereals and water to solve the issue.


Happy motherhood to all of you!!

Priya Aurora
Priya Aurora
Bon vivant, writer extraordinaire. Can be reached at: Facebook | Twitter | E-mail me


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