This Nonsense Feminism Rant of Tanmay Bhatt Makes Sense!


Calling somebody a feminist these days is like abusing them for being that way. People simply say that being a feminist type is just not their type. And, this is what the Tanmay Bhatt epic rant is all about.

What is actually a feminist type?

Advocating the rights of a women is simply feminism. People have misused this word and being a feminist as well, resulting in the exploitation of the whole idea of being a feminist. It is no more appreciated if you call yourself a feminist. People will consider you some kind of a protester with anti-men thoughts in your mind all the time.

In this video by All India Bakchod star Tanmay Bhatt, he explains why this ideology pisses him off. And on that note, this comedian is quite serious and makes hell lot of sense out of something so common yet confused.

Watch Tanmay Bhatt’s Rant On Feminism:-

So are you a feminist?


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