YouTube Rewind Video 2016 Shows Every Hit Star Of The Year!


The YouTube has come up with the greatest annual video ever. The modern digital years are the years of trends. Where we witnessed few of the coolest and weirdest trends. Youtube rewind includes almost 200 YouTube stars, celebs, vloggers et al in the mashup video. It includes stars like Dwayne Johnson aka The Rock, James Corden, YouTube star Lily Singh, The Slow Mo Guys and many more. Even AIB and TVF make it to this video. Also all the stars who featured in viral make up tutorials, fitness videos, also the PPAP star-Pen Pineapple apple pen. And the ever interestingly amazing mannequin challenge stars as well. This video will simply remind you of all the YouTube hits of 2016.

YouTube Rewind Video 2016 Shows Every Hit Star Of The Year!

Now That Was Nostalgic!


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