The Fast and Furious American series of action films based on street racing, loud cars and bad tempers was started in 2001. What followed were six sequels, biggest franchise of all time and international acceptance.
Recently, we all shown the enough love to Fast and Furious 7 the series of films embodies the concept of family – not by blood but by choice is all we have as free human beings.
It has been by far my absolute favourite series to watch all these years. FF7 started with a bang and ended with a bang, and in a way that would have crumpled even hearts of steel. The Sweet tribute to Paul Walker moved million of hearts.
Well, we all know this was not the last movie, but only the last one with Paul Walker. But PABLO will definitely be missed and he will never die to forever live in our memories.
But as they say, the show must go on…Vin Diesel has now announced Furious 8 for a 2017 release by displaying FF8 poster on his Instagram:
Can’t wait for the year next….2017!