Saturday, January 18, 2025

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Remember What ‘A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H’ Meant In School Life? Read on…

Remember the first day of your school? Your parents leaving you at the school gate and you crying out loud. Not wishing to leave your parents and clinging to them to take you back home. We are sure most of you remember that very day. If you don’t, then do ask your parents. But after starting the school life, it has been totally different in all ways. You started spending six-seven hours of your day at school. Learning, making new friends, fighting with them, having a crush, falling in love and above all growing each day and with each class. There are numerous memories attached to school days, and if given an opportunity many of us would love to get back those days, isn’t it?

We thought of sharing the very initial classes of school life by learning the alphabets, in a whole new way. So get ready to refresh your memories…

A for Assembly

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It was a daily routine. Those scolding by teachers who used to shout – Attention, One arm distance! And nobody used to listen. Someone would definitely faint. Did you ever?

B se Bunking

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It was never planned. It just happened! Bunking the period you hated with your friends gave you places in school others never knew about. Though washroom was the all time fixed spot.

C bole tho Canteen

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The day your saving comes into action is the day when you hate the food packed from home. Running to the canteen to grab a Patty, burger or your favorite fast food along with a Coke is still the all time best meal.

D for Duster Fight

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That was the beginning to World War 3. Secretly putting some chalk powder on the duster and throwing it at your friend was the first step towards a major fight that followed. But today that D stands for Double meaning.

E we all fear ‘Exams’

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This was the real time pain and nightmare for many. From studying at the very last minute, to getting your answer sheets signed by your parents. Exams, the word itself used to haunt us like anything.

F is always translated as Fail/Flunking

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The day you got your answer-sheets, the first thing you looked at were the marks only. If you had a bad exam, the fear of flunking is there. Those students knew the value of 33%.

Good Mornnnnnnnning Ma’am!


The very anthem of wishing our teachers will never change. Some teachers loved it and some gave us punishment for wishing that way.

H for Homework

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The day ended with mom shouting loud from the kitchen – Homework Kar Lia kya? And there are numerous reasons we use to cook up of unable to complete our homework.

I se Ink Pen

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The day when your teacher said that in this class you get to write with Pen and no more pencils. That very proud feeling of using an ink pen is worth remembering.

J relates to your young ones, Juniors

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The only ones from whom you demanded respect and the ones whom you caught hold of to complete your assignments and projects, though you had to sacrifice some money in that case.

K gives you the distance – Bole to Katti

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Katti to Katti, do din ki chutti!

L, the Latecomer

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Getting up early and rushing for school was an usual activity. But often getting up late would make us stand outside the class or the Principal’s office.

M Bole to Ma’am

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The teacher who taught us life lessons along with subjects, is still close to your heart. But the best part was having a crush on a sweet, young teacher. The other M we often hated was the Monitor.


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It doesn’t need much description. It was an important thing to pass in exams. The brightest student always had his/her notes up to date. And were a saviour to those who needed it.

O looked good, but not on the answer sheet

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O we learnt stands for Owl. But O here looks like the digit zero and we all know how our mark sheet looked when it displayed 0/10.

P made your day worse because it’s the PTA meeting

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The dreaded day when none of your excuses worked out. The day when parents met your teachers. The day when your impression on your teachers and your performance in various subjects was discussed in school and you got the result after reaching home.

Quiet Please!

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Your teacher used to shout on top of her voice and the line she used: “Is this a fish market, will you all shut up your mouth!”

R for Roll Number

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We all have compassion and feel pity for the kid whose roll number was 1. Are you that 1?

S, the much-dreaded Surprise test

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The moment when your teacher entered the class and rather than asking you to take out your books, she asked you all to take out a piece of paper. The fear of Surprise test prevailed. Those were the best teachers who mentioned about the surprise test a day prior.

Here we give place to one more word i.e Slambook. A book that consisted of all our secrets, from our crushes to our ambitions in life.

T for Tiffin

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The only object that was discovered in the 2nd period and was empty by the recess. It is because of a tiffin only that most of us became friends. The time we shared and had great fun was the recess period.

U bole tho Uniform

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Tucking your shirt out, rolling up your skirts. Fashion had a different meaning back then!

V se Vacations…Yaaay!!!!

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The very joy of having long vacations was so special. Going out with your parents and visiting your relatives was what vacations meant. But there was sadness of parting your school friends.

Ma’am may I go to Toooilet (Washroom)

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One of the most favourite hangout places in school was washroom. After each period there was a huge rush near to the washroom. As it was like a ritual of moving out after every period.

X made you feel seniors – Xth and XIIth

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Apparently, the worst two years of your life. When you have to appear for boards.

You, sit at the back!

It was very late that we understood that we were following the words by Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam that stated: The best brains of the Nation may be found on the last benches of the classrooms.

Z bole tho Zero Period


Ye tho Chamatkar hi tha! Having a Zero Period was having an hour away from studies and doing some fun activities or practicing.

After reading this we are sure it might have taken you back to school days. Telling yourself that those were the best days of your life. Indeed those school days can’t be regained again. But can always be remembered and refreshed!!

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Tony Thomas
Tony Thomas
Live to learn and learning has no end. That’s what I believe and each day we have numerous opportunities to correct our mistakes and bring out the best in us.


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