Home Travel Tried Some Funky Fruits With Unpronounceable Names?

Tried Some Funky Fruits With Unpronounceable Names?


Many of us are undoubtedly particular choosing the same foods over and over again and turning up our noses at the sight of anything new. So if you enjoy exploring new tastes, here we have today some funky fruits for you which have unpronounceable names but are a must-try once.

1 Rambutan

This fruit with messy hair tastes quite good and is elder brother to lychee in the way it looks.

2 Jackfruit

This fruit can claim the award for being the largest fruit that comes from a tree weighing as much as 80 pounds. Sweet fans can put jackfruit in custards and cakes or eat it as dried chips.

3 Kiwano

It is thought to be a part of the melon family, has a jelly-like flesh and tastes somewhere between a cucumber and banana with the tangy taste of lemon.

4 Fingered Citron

Have you ever encountered this wonderfully bizarre fruit? This is used for for making infused vodka. Also known as Buddha’s Hand. These creepy-cool Buddha’s hand is always needed for Halloween celebrations.

5 Ackee

Considered to be one of the most dangerous food. Ackee fruit is a mixed blessing. If improperly eaten, it can cause Vomiting Sickness — which, other than the self-explanatory symptoms, can lead to coma or death.

6 Durian

Durian is eaten raw and also added to ice cream, cakes and even cappuccino. This king of fruits has good monounsaturated fats that can actually lower your harmful cholesterol levels and moderate your high blood pressure.

7 Pitaya

More commonly known as Dragon Fruit. Only the flesh is eaten and is similar in taste to melon or kiwi with a delicate flavour.



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