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Being Bullied Became The Best Thing That Happened To Her!

We are what we look like is the biggest lie we tell ourselves and others. Humans are worst than a ferocious wild being when it comes judging people on the basis of what they look like.

Here’s the story of a brave beautiful, but bullied girl who fought the cruel society all alone. What we wear might define our civility, but not our character. This tale is not just an inspirational saga, it conveys the reality of the insensitive world we live in. Calling somebody fat, dark, speccie, short, thin, tall is easy, as we don’t realize we all are way beyond what we look like. So next time you see somebody different from your perception of a normal human, please remain silent. Because ending up laughing at them or giving some sort of shocking reactions is insensitive and inhuman.

Here’s the story of this Brave Beautiful But Bullied Bombay Girl!!

When I was in the 7th standard, my mother noticed a slight hair thinning patch on my scalp and took me to the doctor,…

Posted by Humans of Bombay on Monday, March 7, 2016



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